What is Digital Identity? Should You Worry about Yours?

What is Digital Identity? Should You Worry about Yours?

In recent years, millions of people have joined digital platforms. We all use computers and smartphones and create personal accounts on different platforms. While creating accounts on the web, the owner websites ask us to fill in the required details, including personal information.

You do have a digital identity and you are likely not aware of it. To give you the best of information about your digital identity and whether you should worry about it, everything is answered in this article. Let’s collect that useful information now!

What is Digital Identity?

A digital identity is what is created when a person uses different types of spaces on the web, inputing their information as they move along. As noted, you create your accounts on different platforms by giving your name, address, and other information. You have thus carried your digital identity in this way.

Thankfully, we can use an online privacy protection tool to safeguard our personal information. If you do not know about the security concerns of your digital identity, then you should learn the important details about it before it is too late.

What is Digital Identity? Should You Worry about Yours?

Should You Protect Your Identity?

Since most businesses now run on the web, it is essential for you to keep your digital identity safe. Internet hackers always try to steal your identity, which they can use for different purposes when not protected. As per a recent survey, over 33% of web users have found that their data has been stolen without their knowledge.

What is Digital Identity? Should You Worry about Yours?

With your digital identity, hackers can buy anything in your name or can scam you out of big money. You never know how your digital identity is used by hackers and for that reason, you must be mindful of how you use it. To protect your identity, Bitdefender and other security companies provide unique tools.

When you start using the web, you should not click on the unwanted links or images that display on the screen. These links and banners are from advertisers. Many hackers use this technique to hack your personal identity and other data on your computer. When you start using a dedicated security tool, you can surf the web safely.

How Can Hackers Use Your Digital Identity?

Many of you might not be aware that your digital identity is being used by others for nefarious purposes. Below is a list of what hackers can do with your identity.

Create New Accounts

While creating a new account on social networks or on any other website, you need to give your personal details there. Hackers can create an unlimited numbers of accounts with your personal identity on numerous websites. They can also create email IDs and fake addresses for future use.

What is Digital Identity? Should You Worry about Yours?

Online Shopping

When hackers steal your digital identity, they also have information about your credit card and other payment options which are stored on e-commerce websites. They can defraud you by purchasing items from e-commerce stores. They can even buy subscription plans and other things from different websites where you logged in with your digital identity.

What is Digital Identity? Should You Worry about Yours?

Tax Filing Fraud

In the United States, most hackers use digital identity to file income tax before the actual deadline. By filing irrelevant taxes in your name, they can receive a tax rebate on their own names, which they use while filing the taxes from your number. Digital Identity also includes your Tax PIN and yes, you should worry about it as well.

What is Digital Identity? Should You Worry about Yours?

Apart from this, hackers can also make use of someone’s digital identity i.e. their social security number, for different purposes that you might not have thought about. For example, they can create accounts in the name of children and can get benefits from their guardians over the Internet. When they can steal your digital identity, they can do anything. This is a simple thing that we all should understand. For all these reasons, we all should be careful about how we use our digital identity.


There are numerous ways in which you can try to safeguard your digital identity. The protection of your digital information is crucial if you work on the web or have active profiles on different platforms.

You need to be a little more careful when you share your personal information with others. Practice security of your system and data to always prevent hackers from stealing them.

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